Nora Cohen

Nora’s mission is to support the highest purpose of BIG Heart Ranch through contribution and service to the natural environment, to our rescued farm animals, to our collective Los Angeles community and to each and every participant, volunteer & visitor at the ranch.

From mucking stalls, to Volunteer Coordinator, to Executive Director, to Program Development Director, to Board of Directors President; for over thirteen years Nora has supported BIG Heart Ranch's rescued farm animals and community mission in a variety of administrative and leadership roles. She also STILL mucks stalls! Above all Nora developed BIG Heart Ranch's Rescue, Renew, Reconnect business model as well as our Conscious Community Program where she and our skilled team of facilitators and volunteers provide purposeful, intention-based experiences with our restorative rescued herd of farm animals for youth, families, groups and individuals in need. In this way BIG Heart Ranch continues to expand on our mission of resourcing and uplifting especially underserved populations and community youth.

Over the years Nora has witnessed and personally experienced the resourcing power of nature and intention based interactions with each of the rescued farm animals at BIG Heart Ranch. Each animal's willingness and ability to reconnect after being rehabilitated from terrible abuse, neglect and abandonment provides participants a reference for their own pain and cultivates relational strength within their personal well-being journey.


Corey Cardenas

Corey has been horse crazy for as long as she can remember, regularly riding and being with horses since she was three. Corey’s deep connection to horses has taught her the subtle art of body language and reading energy among many other things. With a genuine love of people, trust in the Divine, and a sense of humor, Corey has been offering this work since 2011. She is a HIGH and EAGALA certified equine specialist and has two healing horses Koa and Gracie.

Corey is currently fulfilling a MA in Marriage and Family Therapy through the University of Massachusetts Global and is completing supervised clinical hours.


Mira Rocca

Mira Rocca is an experienced and licensed marriage and family therapist who is dedicated to helping individuals overcome problems with food, body image, exercise, depression, anxiety, trauma, life transitions, and familial issues. She helps her clients see that there is a better way to live, and guides them on a path to reach their fullest potential in life. Mira creates space for you to inhabit your body while learning to balance your own vulnerability and inner strengths. This allows you to heal old wounds and feel more grounded and empowered in your life today.

Mira is married to her beloved soulmate and together they have three spirited little kids. Having such a full and rich life, Mira has truly embraced being a working mom with grace and ease. Her passion for helping mothers find deep purpose, stability, balance, and an overall joyful foundation is what drives her.



NORA COHEN, President

Jared Cohen, Treasurer

Phoebe Scott, Secretary

Michelle Gerlis, Board Member

Susan Corwin, Board Member

Charlie Casey Bentz, Board Member